How do you establish Family Boundaries?

It’s our responsibility to show up better than the previous generation but also to extend grace and patience as they come along side of us learning what is healthy for families and friendships.

We are the Auntie and Uncles (if you don’t want to be called that no worries) and it’s our time to not only be rich in our accounts but rich in our family relationships and you know no one wins when the family feuds. Sit back and consider do you avoid having hard conversations with your family, parents or siblings? Well, we have you covered via some conversations that we have had with some strangers.

Do you know what your own personal boundaries are?

How can you support Seated with Strangers?

Word of mouth/ share what you love about us.

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  • If you are into merch, we have you covered.

  • You can send encouragement through a cup coffee :) (me meaning Shivawn your producer :))

  • Connect with us on Instagram or TikTok


Why Is it so Hard to Talk About Money with Friends?


Reimagining Community and Culture.